Tech Tonics: Ken Tarkoff – Back to the Future of Medicine in a Brave New...
We have had numerous guests on Tech Tonics who went to medical school only to find their way into non-medical roles. But Ken Tarkoff, whose original career plan was to follow his father into medicine,...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Dawn Meyerriecks – Bringing the Fail Fast Thinking of Silicon...
In what might be one of the coolest government roles you could find, Dawn Meyerriecks job is to bring the latest and greatest science and technology to the Central Intelligence Agency –she gets to be a...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Daphne Koller – Guiding Health From AI to Actual Intelligence
While most of us spent our early teens dealing with the drama of middle school, Daphne Koller was in Israel simultaneously completing high school and college. She was a computer science prodigy on the...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Amir Dan Rubin, Change Agent
A self-proclaimed optimist who calls himself “a change-agent with a funny foreign name,” Amir Dan Rubin has spent his career shaping and reshaping healthcare delivery systems. Today, Amir is the CEO of...
View ArticleTech Tonics: David Van Sickle, Drummer… Digital Health Pioneer
Tech Tonics has shared many stories of digital health pioneers who were passionate about health and computers from a young age, and fell effortlessly into a career at the interface of these interests....
View ArticleTech Tonics: A Brief History of Iya Khalil
Iya Khalil is a woman who’s always been ahead of her time. In middle school she was captivated by the writing of Stephen Hawking. After graduating school at Cornell with a PhD in physics, while...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Patients are why technology matters
Deborah DiSanzo had a plan. She was going to be a stockbroker and make a ton of money to rise out of the rough circumstances of her childhood and make it big. When she realized she hated the role, but...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Gini Deshpande, @biotechfounder
The daughter of a commercial airline pilot and the oldest of two kids, Gini Deshpande grew up in Mumbai and told her parents that by the time she was forty, she wanted to own her own car, house, and...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Lisa Alderson and her Long and Winding Road to Genomics
For a skydiver who’s motto is “Just jump out and go”, the journey from chasing down Sandanista kidnappers to driving Disney strategy to genomics pioneer sounds sort of rational. Lisa Alderson, founder...
View ArticleTech Tonics: O-K K-A-R-D-I-A, The Dave Albert Story
Although his dad was a prominent politician who eventually became Speaker of the House, AliveCor Founder Dave Albert always knew he wanted to a career in medicine – it was the passion he discovered for...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Katherine Chou – How A Quintessential Googler Wraps Her (Deep)...
Katherine Chou is in many ways the quintessential Googler – super smart, a passion for computer science, an engineer through and through. On today’s episode of Tech Tonics, we’ll learn how this rock...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Eric Leuthardt… neurosurgeon, inventor, playwright, book author,...
Eric Leuthardt, MD, is quite the Renaissance Man. An accomplished neurosurgeon, inventor, playwright, book author, clothing designer and father of two, Eric has built a career with and around brains in...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Scott Barclay of Data Collective, Journeying Down the Data Stream
Scott Barclay is a nearly ubiquitous presence around the healthcare IT world, standing at the intersection of technology and health since 2005. He has journeyed down the data stream from CVS to startup...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Amalio Telenti, International Man of (Genetic) Mystery
In the course of his fascinating career, physician-scientist Amalio Telenti has had the opportunity to work in two imiscible centers of excellence in genomics: Eric Lander’s Broad Institute and Craig...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Matthew Stoudt – Real Empathy in a Virtual World
He’s one of those tech people that came to healthcare to find a career of significance, but Matthew Stoudt has actually been destined for the health tech world since his youth. Matthew Stoudt aspired...
View ArticleTech Tonics: From Maine to Mainstream – The Noah Craft Story
Raised in a small town in Maine, and passionate about infectious diseases in the developing world, Noah Craft may not seem like your typical health tech entrepreneur – but on today’s show, we’ll hear...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Molly Coye’s 360 View of the Healthcare System
Dr. Molly Coye comes from a family who was obsessed with innovation and had a high tolerance for risk. They also had a history of commitment to anything that would disrupt unjust social paradigms and...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Owen Tripp – Grand Founder
Owen Tripp, Founder and CEO of Grand Rounds, was brought up by parents who taught him that you could do whatever you chose to do and that there was not one clear path to the right door. Owen has taken...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Sam Blackman, Translation With Heart
Story teller, writer, drug developer – Sam Blackman is all three, a philosophy major who became a pediatric oncologist and then a creative drug developer with a penchant for imaginative solutions to...
View ArticleTech Tonics: Sometimes You Just Need to Start Things – Marcus Osborne and the...
A capitalist colored by a deep streak of social consciousness, Marcus Osborne, the leader of Health Transformation at Walmart, grew up in the South and planned on a political life. But experience in...
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