While determining what to do with college and her career, Jessica Rousset struggled to decide – go with the right brain and be an artist or go with the left brain and pursue engineering. In a way she has managed to do both, though her current canvas is companies and her palette is the health needs of children. Today Jessica is Director for the Center for Innovation at Childrens’ Hospital Los Angeles and co-director of the Consortium for Technology and Innovation in Pediatrics (CTIP), an FDA-funded pediatric medical device consortium.
The healthcare business community isn’t a big fan of pediatric endeavors. It is perceived as too small a market, too hard to penetrate and thus struggles to get funding and attention. And yet, a quarter of all Americans are under 18 and, lest we forget, today’s kids are tomorrow’s adults. Making them healthy should be everyone’s mission. Jessica has taken this to heart, finding a way to blend art and science, as many have done before her, in service to humanity’s smallest representatives.
We are grateful to HealthXL for sponsoring this episode of TechTonics. HealthXL is a global enterprise that empowers leading organizations and innovators to solve major healthcare problems through digital health collaborations.